The Harrison Institute

is the premier go-to organization for speaking, training, and developing corporate, family, and relational leadership needs.

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The Harrison Institute

is the premier go-to organization for speaking, training, and developing corporate, family, and relational leadership needs.

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We offer virtual, face-to-face, and e-courses to assist you in achieving your goals of becoming the best version of yourself. In addition to providing life, leadership, and marital coaching services, The Harrison Institute offers several coaching certifications for skill enhancement. The Harrison Institute specializes in equipping individuals/groups with the relevant knowledge and proficiency to become an expert in their desired areas of influence.

Meet Tory

Jessica Harrison

Meet Jessica

Harrison Family

Book The Harrisons

How Do We
Do This?

• By offering outstanding curriculums that stretch, sharpen, and strengthen you for the work ahead.
• By having hands-on instructors who care about quality and investing in each student.
• By offering course options for your convenience that work with the average busy schedule.
• By ensuring all aspiring coaches have an in-depth understanding of industry standards, training, and core values needed to excel and relate to their clients.

Whether you are looking to become certified in life, marriage, family, or leadership training, The Harrison Institute has a place for you. Our innovative courses provide you with the tools, resources, and certifications causing you to stand out and impact lives.

Why are training
and certifications necessary?

Separates you from those who see this as a "hobby," making you an expert in the field.
Sharpen and enhance your skillset
Equips you with transferrable tools and techniques to reach various types of individuals.

Helps you focus and expand your knowledge base by exposing you to new resources and ways of thinkinG

Gives you proven methods to execute and excel in your niche.

What are our clients saying?

Dear Coach Jessica... When you kept telling me that I needed to become a Certified Life Coach, I honestly thought you were just being nice. I didn't think there was any way in the world that I could coach someone else through life's problems when I felt like my life was crumbling in front of me. When you asked me the final time if I was ready to take the class and told me that I was already doing the work and just needed to "trust God and go forth," I knew it was part of my assignment to complete this certification. I am so glad that I trusted you and God. This class has been so eye opening and has stretched me beyond what I thought I could do. My cohort was perfect and I felt so comfortable with my classmates, which is what I needed. Coach Jessica, you are such an educator. I loved how you would respond to our questions with a question to make every moment a learning experience. I also appreciate you being down to earth and keeping it real with us. While going through the class, I realized becoming a Certified Life Coach is part of what I was missing to feel like I was fulfilling my passion/purpose of helping people. I am so glad you recognized my love for people and my desire to help people because I never would have thought that I was "good enough" or "whole enough" to help people in this capacity. I am forever grateful for the confidence you have had in me to do the work and be successful. Because of that, I am working on becoming more confident in myself. The work that you and Coach Tory are doing is a gift to the Kingdom and I am so glad that I was able to learn, grow, and become a Certified Professional Life Coach under the Harrison Institute.
Deanna Hedgepeth - Coach
I am at a loss for words, and you know that is rare, but I will muster up some because you are worth it! You stretched, pushed, and challenged me to perfect the gifts God entrusted me with. You saw the coach way before I said yes, reminding me that completing this certification was like putting the official stamp on what I was already doing. I learned even more about myself and how I process things, offer support and help others. Reiterating the power and ownership others experience as they identify and own where they are and find the courage to think and plan to achieve their goals. You are a purposeful coaching instructor who led my classmates and me on this growth and development journey! I would hand down recommend you to anyone! Thank you for the stretch! Thank you for reminding me to bet on myself and invest in the call of God over my life.
Ebony S. Bailey - Coach
Dear Coach Jessica, the last 10 weeks have been nothing short of amazing. When my wife first brought the idea of taking a coaching course to me, my initial thought was on the lines of "It couldn't hurt." Coaching was never on my radar as a skill I would want or even need to develop. Don't get me wrong, I understood it's value, but didn't see a direct need in developing the skill for myself. I couldn't have been more wrong. This course has been enriching and enlightening to say the least. Not only have my day-to-day interactions become much more fulfilling, but I have a skill set to help people in a real and meaningful way. My wife and I have always had a passion for helping others. My role in that has typically been one of creating avenues for exposure through technology. However, after this course, I feel more than confident to "join" the conversation. I have the tools to be able to listen intently, and help others discover new pathways to reaching their goals. Thank you, Coach Jessica and Coach Tory. Your impact is truly immeasurable.
Derrick Robinson - Coach

Here is a brief overview of training and certifications we offer:

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